Arkansas Wheat Facts

Arkansas wheat farmers typically plant soft red winter wheat in October and November and will be harvested in early June. This makes wheat unique among Arkansas field crops as it’s a winter crop. Wheat is often rotated with other crops such as soybeans and rice, providing benefits to the soil and pest management. 

Arkansas is a top producer of soft red winter wheat in the United States. 

On average, the area planted in corn has decreased around -7.3% each year, while the average yield has increased 0.4% each year. This has led to decreased wheat production in Arkansas. 

For 2023 Arkansas farmers collectively harvested around 230,000 acres with an average yield of 57 bushels an acre, resulting in 9,405,000 bushels in production. This equated to around $59,722,000 in production value. 

According to USDAs 2022 Ag Census data, these counties were the top five corn producing counties in Arkansas: 

  1. Jefferson
  2. Philips
  3. Mississippi
  4. Jackson
  5. Crittenden

The main demand for wheat comes from human consumption. However, it also has several alternative uses. 

  1. Animal Feed
  2. Biofuel
  3. Bioplastics
  4. Paper Production
  5. Construction Materials
  6. Industrial Absorbents