Soybeans and soybean products are Arkansas’s largest agricultural exports.  Arkansas currently ranks 10th in the nation in soybean production, producing more than 150 million bushels annually valued at more than $1.5 billion.

Arkansas Soybean Facts

  • In 2023 Arkansas producers planted 2,980,000 acres of soybeans and harvested 2,950,000 of those acres.
  • With over 159.3 million bushels produced in 2023, Arkansas Ranks 10th nationally and 1st among all southern states in soybean production.
  • Arkansas’ statewide yield average set a record in 2023 at 54 bu/acre and producers received an average $13.10 bu for their soybeans.
  • Arkansas’ Soybean production in 2023 was valued at $2,086,830,000.
  • According to the 2022 Ag Census there are 3,143 farms in Arkansas producing soybeans.
  • Although over half of Arkansas soybeans are destined for overseas markets, they are used across many sectors and products of the U.S. economy:
    • Soybean Meal
      • Livestock feed for poultry, hogs, dairy, beef, & aquaculture. (97%)
      • Human consumption protein alternatives, soy sauce. (3%)
    • Soybean oil
      • Frying oil, baking, vegetable oil, salad dressings & margarines (68%)
      • Paints, plastics, & cleaners 7%
      • Biodiesel (25%

For more information on Arkansas soybeans, visit the Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board website.