Forests cover 19 million acres, or 56 percent of the state, and contain 11.8 billion trees. During the 1950s and 60s, Arkansas lost almost 20 percent of its forestland. However, since 1978, forestland has increased by more than 1 million acres.

The 2015 forest survey period showed an average annual increase in pine timber growth and a decrease in the amount removed. The five-year average for growth of pine timber is 25.1 million tons with 15.6 million tons being removed from Arkansas forests. Hardwood statistics in the state are similar to pine timber, with growth being greater than removal of timber on a five-year average. The growth of hardwood is 13.7 million tons with the removal of 8.2 million tons from 2011 through 2015.

Arkansas Forestry Facts

  • Arkansas Forest cover 19 million acres or 57% of the State. Arkansas forest land has increased by around 1.5 million acres sine 1978.
  • Arkansas has one of the most forestry-dependent economies, with 4.1% of the state’s GDP relying on forest industries. According to the latest estimates, forestry contributes over $6.14 billion dollars to the state’s economy.
  • It is estimated that around 27K jobs in Arkansas are Forest Based.
  • Most forests in the state are hardwood timber.
  • Average growth rate of 2.6 hardwood tress grown for each tree harvested.
  • Average growth rate of 1.6 pine trees grown for each tree harvested.
  • The Southwest Ozark and Ouachita regions contain 88% of the forestland in the state.

Area of Forestland by Forest – Type:

  • Pine – 33%
  • Oak Pine – 10%
  • Oak-Hickory – 39%
  • Bottomland Hardwood – 16%
  • Cedar – 2%

Ownership of Forestland:

  • Private – 67%
  • Forest Industry – 14%
  • National Forest – 13%
  • Other Public – 6%