News & Media

EPA tours Stuttgart farm

EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler held a round table event at Terry Dabbs farm in Stuttgart. Wheeler announced a $3.2 million grant for the Arkansas Department of Agriculture and toured Dabbs' farm.
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A History of Pecans with Billy Wilchman

Folks often call him "The Pecan Man," and with good reason. Billy Wilchman of Paw Paw's Pecans in Conway County loves sharing his extensive knowledge of these delicious nuts.
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On the Farm with Jenny | Learning to Care for Show Goats

In only 3 years Taylor Farms in Benton County has produced state winning full blood buck and doe Boer goats. In this two-part series we are catching up with Samuel, Lauren and Lexi of Taylor Farms on how they raise and show their award-winning goats. Join Jenny Higgs, for part 1, as she interviews Samuel Dewitt on how he preps his goats for show. Stick around and get a sneak peek to part 2!
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Farmer Update | Zach Hammack, Calhoun County

Zach Hammack has a cow-calf, beef cattle operation near Hampton in Calhoun County. He sells his packaged beef products directly from his farm and is also the vo-ag instructor at Hampton High School. He provided this update on how Covid-19 and the weather have affected his operation this year.
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United Soybean Chair | Jim Carroll III, Monroe County

Jim Carroll III of Brinkley will conclude his year as chair of the United Soybean Board next month. It's been a challenging year dealing with Covid-19 and the weather delayed his ability to plant and harvest his crops. He took time recently during his soybean harvest to update us on what it's been like to chair USB during the pandemic and what he's learned from the experience.
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Weather Delays for Harvesting | David Sites, Jefferson County

Like most other crop farmers, rain and cold, wet weather has delayed harvest for David Sites of Jefferson County. He provided this update from his farm near Altheimer recently where he’s hoping sunshine and wind will dry his fields and allow him to complete harvesting his soybeans this week.
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Open-air Farm Stand and Cafe | SalScilla Farms

While other farmers are closing their produce stands for the season, Judith and Tim Allen of SalScilla Farms in Mayflower are beginning year-round operation with a new open-air farm stand and cafe. Judith joined us to share more information about their grand opening.
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Farmer Update | Brad Peacock, White County

2020 has been a year of ups and downs for White County farmer Brad Peacock. Excessive rainfall made it difficult to plant and harvest some of his crops, but being honored as the county and region’s Farm Family of the Year was a rewarding highlight.
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The New Ponca Blackberry | Dr. John R. Clark

The Ponca blackberry is the latest variety developed by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Fruit Research Station near Clarksville. Coming on the heels of other successful varieties developed there like Ouachita and Caddo, Ponca is a thornless, sweet variety that should prove successful with farmers and consumers. UA Distinguished Professor John Clark describes this new blackberry.
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Buster's 491lb Pumpkin | Kid Farmer

Buster Passmore 11-Years Old | Straight-A Student | Grower of Huge Pumpkins ArFB’s Jenny Higgs recently visited Buster at home in Bono to get his secrets for growing prize-winning giant pumpkins. Buster's Garden has produced gourds big enough to win the UAEX Giant Pumpkin Contest two years in a row, beating the competition by more than 100 pounds each year. For more pumpkin and gardening tips from Buster, visit his Facebook page,
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