Classroom Materials
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View Ag in the Classroom materials.
Ag Literacy Project
Jackie and her garden friends embrace the joys of planting a garden, nurturing and harvesting their own food, and recycling scraps to compost, ensuring that the magical cycle of growth and sustainability continues anew. Every spread includes science facts about soil, plants, pollinators, decomposers, and more. This is a fantastic book to engage young readers in becoming environmental stewards, learning how to care for a garden, understanding a plant life cycle, discovering the power of pollinators, and understanding the importance of composting. The book includes information on the soil cycle and how to make a compost pile. An education guide is also available to accompany the book. These hardback books have special pricing for county Farm Bureaus at $4.75 each. Education guides are $1.00 each. Click here to download the order form.
White-Reinhardt Scholarship
The American Farm Bureau’s Ag Foundation sponsors the White-Reinhardt Teacher Scholarships through the White-Reinhardt Fund for Education in cooperation with the American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee.
The National Ag in the Classroom Conference Educator Scholarship program is to provide travel expense funds to educators employed by a school system to attend the national conference and then use the information gained to expand their outreach to students regarding food, fiber and fuel. Educators employed by a school system and working in grades K-12 who have demonstrated involvement in agricultural literacy program are eligible to apply.
Learn more about the White-Reinhardt Scholarship and find out how to apply.