News & Media

Fun and Facts on the Farm

What started as a half-day field trip for a few Crawford County kindergarten students six years ago has become an anticiopated outdoor classroom experience for more than 1,000 children and parents at Randy Arnold's farm near Alma.
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USDA Secretary Flood Press Conference Highlights

USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue came to Arkansas on Sunday, May 7. He participated in a helicopter tour with Gov. Asa Hutchinson and members of the congressional delegation to see first-hand the damage to agriculture and rural communities caused by recent flooding.
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Flooding from the Air

More footage of Northeast Arkansas flood devastation and reactions from Arkansas Farm Bureau leaders Rich Hillman and Joe Christian and a Lawrence County rice farmer Scott Brady.
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ArFB Leaders Fly Over Flooding

Arkansas Farm Bureau Vice President Rich Hillman and Secretary/Treasurer Joe Christian took to the skies to survey the flood devastation in Northeast Arkansas, including hundreds of acres of Christian's rice fields near Cash. See the incredible footage and hear what they had to say about their trip.
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Flooding Hits Arkansas Agriculture

Late April rains inundated much of Arkansas and hit agriculture at one of the worst possible times as spring planting is underway. The storms caused losses for both the row-crop and livestock sectors. Watch to see and learn more about the damages.
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Peanuts Popular Again in 2017

Early surveys show that Arkansas can expect another increase in peanut acreage this year, as the legume continues to be an attractive option for farmers coping with depressed commodity crop prices.
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Big Bull Business

Rose Bud Feeders is one of a kind in Arkansas. Watch our latest video to learn about this unique White County business that has become one of the largest bull developers in the South, with the capability of growing out more than 800 bulls at a time.
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Final Legislative Update 3/31

As the end of the 2017 Regular Session of the General Assembly nears, Arkansas Farm Bureau Director of Public Affairs & Government Relations - State Affairs Jeff Pitchford provides a wrap-up of key legislative accomplishments for Arkansas farmers and ranchers.
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Strawberry Fields Forever?

See how growing strawberries in what are known as "high tunnel" systems is allowing growers to expand their season and meet the demand for more fresh, locally grown berries.
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