News & Media

Mom at the Meat Counter

Janeal Yancey, meat scientist and mom, is educating consumers about meat products, food safety, and nutrition through her Mom at the Meat Counter blog.
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O&L 2017 Rewind

“Innovation Generation” was the theme of the recently concluded 69th Officers and Leaders Conference in Hot Springs and policy and advocacy were tops on the agenda. See footage from the event and hear from some of the featured speakers.
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Farmers Market Spotlight: Hot Springs

Watch the first entry in a new, occasional series on farmers markets around the state, we visited the Hot Springs’ Historic Downtown Farmers Market, which has become a regular Saturday morning and Tuesday evening destination.
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Ginning Up Capacity

The expansion and reopening of cotton gins may be signs of a cotton revival in Arkansas. Watch to see how a McGehee cotton gin is expanding to meet growing demand.
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M*A*S*H Camp Roundup

It's M*A*S*H* camp season and we've been on the road getting pictures, videos and more! Watch a short video from a M*A*S*H* camp coordinator in Nashville and then check out our M*A*S*H* camp photo album for 2017.
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Finding Future Vets

The 4-H Veterinary Science Program was created to introduce young people to the field of veterinary medicine and help address a need for more large- and food-animal veterinarians in Arkansas. Watch our new video to hear from program leaders and participants.
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Grounded by Floods

River flooding in early May inundated cropland resulting in around $200 million in losses to crops and agriculture. It also impacted the ability of flight services to treat fields during this critical time of year. Watch our latest video to learn more.
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