News & Media

Arkansas Agriculture | Q1 2022

In this issue, we focus on the importance of pollinators and mental health in farming and provide updates on critical legal and policy issues impacting agriculture.
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Carter Plans to Retire as EVP at Ark. Farm Bureau

Warren Carter, executive vice president for the Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation, has announced plans to retire, effective May 31. He announced his decision to the organization’s board of directors at its most recent meeting.
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Inflation in Farming | Ray Stone

On his family’s row-crop farm in Lawrence County, Ray Stone of Walnut Ridge is struggling to deal with the skyrocketing costs of fertilizer, fuel and other inputs.
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Arkansas AgCast | April 8, 2022

We talk to Heather Friedrich of the Center for Arkansas Farms and Food about the Center’s multi-faceted program that includes classes, farm school and farm apprenticeships.
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Ask a Farmer, Ep. 1 | Poultry

Curious about where your food comes from? Have some unanswered questions about farming and ranching? In our new “Ask a Farmer” series, you send us questions and we get the answers. In Episode 1, Kallem Hill of Adona (Perry County) gives us the scoop on chickens and modern-day poultry farming.
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Kid Farmers | Huck's Show Prep

Every year, thousands of Arkansas kids compete in the ring showing farm animals, but many people don't realize how much work goes into preparing them for competition. To learn more about it, Farm Bureau's Jenny Higgs visited Huck Plyler of Hempstead County to see his show day prep routine for champion steers.
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Highland Cattle at TaylorHawk Farms

Nestled in the heart of the Ozarks is TaylorHawk Farms, a cattle ranch like many others, but with a unique difference – the Highland cattle they've been raising for the past 16 years. Typically found grazing in the Scottish Highlands, they've become popular for their unique look and for their tasty meat. Lawrence Haight, a farmhand at TaylorHawk, talks about what makes the breed so special.
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