Ag in the Classroom

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The Arkansas Ag in the Classroom program was created to promote awareness of the importance of agriculture to our communities, state, nation and the world to students in all grade levels. The Ag in the Classroom program features K-12 classroom materials, garden grants, educational programs and teacher workshops.

Ag Calendar Kids Art Contest

Arkansas K-12 students are invited to submit original artwork about Arkansas agriculture for our art contest. We want to highlight the diversity of agriculture throughout the state and encourage lots of creativity and color! Five finalists from each division will be chosen: Division 1: K-6th grade; Division 2: 7th -12th grade. The winning students will receive $50 from Arkansas Ag in the Classroom! Click here for more information and how to submit! The deadline is April 15, 2025!

Beef in the Classroom Grant Program

The 2024-25 school year grant application process is now closed. Watch for more information in August!