News & Media

Program Collects Unused Pesticide

The Abandoned Pesticide Collection Program was established in 1999 and began in earnest in 2005. Since then, thousands of pounds of unused pesticides have been collected from farmers through special collection events held twice a year. Recently, Lonoke County Fairgrounds hosted one of these events, and farmers dropped off more than 100,000 pounds of unused chemicals. Watch and learn more from Susie Nichols, who oversees the program for the Arkansas Department of Agriculture.
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A Business Built on Ag Tech

Agricultural technology is advancing so fast, farmers sometimes need outside help to make the best use of these advancements and be as efficient as possible. Watch Brent Lassiter of Newport explain how the team at his business, ProAg Services, provides local producers with a means to manage all aspects of their crop production.
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Ag Hall of Fame Luncheon 2020

Friday was the 33rd Annual Arkansas Agriculture Ag Hall of Fame Induction Luncheon. The more than 600 attendees gathered to honor six new inductees: Jane Ross, Gene Sullivan, Leo C. Sutterfield, George Tidwell, Thomas Vaughns and William E. (Gene) Woodall. See highlights and learn more.
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Poultry Farming & Putting out Fires

James and Ashton Dixon of Magnolia are new members of the Arkansas Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee. James is a fifth-generation poultry farmer and a lcoal firefighter, while Ashton is completing a nursing degree. Learn all about this unique couple's story in our latest video.
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Pushing Ahead with Bayou Meto Water Project

Construction of the Pump Station in Scott, Ark. for the Bayou Meto Water Management District was completed in 2014. Unfortunately the station's pumps have been idle, as work continues to secure additional funding for construction of the canals and infrastructure needed to deliver Arkansas River water to farms and communities in the district. Once federal and state funding is received, officials hope to complete the project and turn the pumps on, delivering surface water to subscribers in 2026.
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Checking Out a Seed Library

At the Faulkner County Library in Conway, patrons can check out more than just books. It's the location of the state's first "seed library," where visitors can check out vegetable and flower seeds, grow them out, then save and donate a portion of the seeds back to the library.
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WinCott Gins Up New Business Near Dumas

Just four years ago cotton prices bottomed out, Arkansas acreage and production dropped and only a handful of cotton gins remained open. But in 2019, prices, acreage and production saw a dramatic increase, bringing a need for more ginning capacity. In southeast Arkansas, the Day family joined others there to build a new gin at Winchester, south of Dumas. The gin began operating in January and provides a new facility to process what is expected to be expanded acreage this year.
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Arkansas Alpaca

What’s the most unusual farm animal in Arkansas? It might just be the peculiar-looking alpaca. Deborah Shannon of Sweet Clover Alpacas in Conway talks about these South American imports, which she raises for their fleece.
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