News & Media

Delta Peanut Shelling Facility

Delta Peanut in Jonesboro is a 100% farmer-owned company serving peanut farmers in Arkansas, the Missouri Bootheel and northeast Louisiana. CEO Tommy Jumper shared its story.
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Arkansas Virtual Farmers Week Wrap-up

We're wrapping up #VirtualFarmersWeek​, a week of hearing what our members had to say about the issues they believe are most important to address during this legislative session, including a state meat Inspection program, broadband and securing funding for the future of Arkansas forestry.
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Farmer Profile | Fred Nickerson, Pulaski County

Fred Nickerson bought his first calf at the age of 16 with money he raised mowing yards. From serving in the Air Force to working for Union Pacific Railroad and raising cattle on his farm in south Pulaski County, Nickerson has lived a fascinating life in and out of agriculture. Hear his story and find out why he’s not ready to retire just yet.
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Rivercrest School Cleanup | Arkansas Farmers

Folks in rural Arkansas know: when you need help, you can call upon a farmer. During mid-February’s record snowstorm, several farmers drove tractors and other equipment to Rivercrest School in Wilson (Mississippi County) and worked together to get roads and parking areas cleared of snow. Here’s a big salute to Raymond Henard, Adam Henard, Mark Fincher, Kevin Johns, Travis Senter, Kevin Goble and others who assisted. Video provided by Travis Senter II .
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AgCast Video Extra | Rob Roedel, Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas

We spoke to Rob Roedel of Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas to get answers to some burning questions about the availability of electricity during the freezing winter weather and heavy snow. Rob provides some helpful information for farmers, ranchers, rural Arkansans and others concerned about the weather's impact on the power grid and possible outages.
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Update from the Farm | Kallem Hill, Perry County

It’s costing poultry growers much more to keep their chickens warm (and alive) during this record-breaking cold snap. Kallem Hill was one of many who experienced sub-zero temperatures Tuesday, plus 10 inches of snow. He provided this update from his farm in Perry County.
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