President Dan Wright brought us up to speed on some of the highlights of the @farmbureau convention as well as the new policies that have been accepted that will affect Arkansans. This concludes our coverage from San Antonio. It has been a great event that has helped define the direction of our organization for the year to come.
If you’re thinking of running for public office, our How to Win an Election program can help. Hear from someone who’s been through the session. The class will be held Oct. 17-18 at our office in Little Rock. Registration is open through Oct. 13 at
Did you know March is Farm Safety Month? Every year Arkansas Farm Bureau offers grain bin safety training to farmers, firefighters, EMTs and other first responders in an effort to combat grain bin entrapments. Thank you to our friends at Mississippi Farm Bureau for helping provide the equipment and experts to lead this course!
Leadership and service that brought distinction to the state’s largest business sector is the hallmark for the five newest inductees into the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame. A total of 180 men and women are now enshrined in the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame.
These five were inducted March 3 in a ceremony at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.
Get ready to go hog wild! Ashley King from THV11 The Vine joined us at the Arkansas State Fair for her turn tackling a Filthy Farm Job. Learn more about exhibitor work and show prep in our latest episode!
On Thursday, Oct. 20, it was a big night at the Arkansas State Fair for kids from all across the state who've worked hard raising and showing their animals all year long. All their work paid off, as Arkansas Farm Bureau and other organizations took part in the "Sale of Champions," showing their support for the future of Arkansas agriculture and carrying on a proud annual tradition.
Arkansas Youth Expo (AYE) is an exhibitor program developed to ensure our state's youth are impacted with direct experiences allowing them to achieve more in life. AYE is devoted to developing leaders in life and Farm Bureau secretary/treasurer Dan Wright spoke last week at the event's Celebration of Champions.
The Arkansas State Fair is here again! Our PR team put some of this year's fair food to the test. Check out the latest video to see our top pick for the 2022 'State Fair Food Madness'. The fair is open through October 23.
The University of Arkansas at Monticello (UAM) recently hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Arkansas Center for Forest Business, a new addition to the Arkansas Forest Resources Center and the UAM College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources. The center was created to work on market-based solutions to forest resource issues and enhance the economic competitiveness of Arkansas’ forestry sector in a global economy. Arkansas Farm Bureau was a strong supporter of the Center’s creation, so we attended the event and spoke to Professor Matthew Pelkki and Dean Michael Blazier of the College of Forestry, Agriculture & Natural Resources, about the big day and what’s ahead.
Rodeo barrel racing star and motivational speaker Amberley Snyder provided the keynote address at our annual Diversity in Agriculture Conference in Little Rock. Before her appearance, she spoke to us about her life story, the role FFA played in her life and the importance of perseverance when faced with adversity.