News & Media

Growing Healthy Hospital Meals

We visited the Heart Hospital's garden and greenhouse to see how the hospital's culinary team is growing and incorporating microgreens and other fresh produce into their hospital's meals.
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AgCast for Jan. 16

This week, we talk with soybean and trade experts about the latest news on trade negotiations and the road ahead in 2020. We also get the latest on the pork industry from Dr. David Newman, president of the National Pork Board and Arkansas State University animal science professor and learn about new urban agriculture classes being offered at the St. Joseph Center in North Little Rock.
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Tri-State Soybean Forum

Arkansas recently hosted a Tri-State Soybean Forum in Dumas for more than 150 soybean producers and consultants. Following two difficult production years, growers were informed about new seed varieties and herbicide technologies that will be available this year. Farmers are hopeful prices and weather will be better in 2020.
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Harvesting Soybeans

Before harvest season in Arkansas wraps up, we paid a visit to Jackson County farmer Bubba Sink to follow his pickers in the field. See for yourself how Sink brings in his soybean crop and learn more about soybeans in Arkansas.
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Peanut Progress in Arkansas

Peanut production has become more common in Arkansas. With a little help from Tommy Jumper and his vertically integrated business model at Delta Peanut LLC, cotton farmers in Lee and St. Francis counties have been adding peanuts to their rotation and harvesting better-than-expected yields. Jumper talked to us about his business and how he believes that the state will become a “major player” in the U.S. peanut industry when Arkansas’ first shelling facility begins operation near Jonesboro next year.
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The Farming DNA

Jeff Edwards has been farming in the Sherrill-Pastoria community near Pine Bluff for most of his life. Like others in the Arkansas River valley, he lost cropland to the historic flooding earlier this year. He and his family have weathered challenges like this before, though, and Jeff plans to continue farming until, “the Lord calls him home.” Watch to learn more.
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Talking Cotton with Caleb Jones

Farmers in eastern Arkansas like Caleb Jones are working hard bringing in this year’s cotton crop. Caleb took time to visit with us about his family’s multi-generational farm in St. Francis County and his concerns about this year's prices.
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Cotton Industry Reps Visit Farm

Cotton Incorporated and other industry representatives from across the country made what has become an annual visit to Lee County recently to learn about cotton production and the ginning process from local farmers and observe the fall harvest. We spoke to some of the attendees and to Marianna farmer Trent Felton about the visit and what they hope it accomplishes.
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Here Comes the Cotton

The cotton harvest is in full swing in Arkansas. St. Francis County farmers Jim and Caleb Jones of Palestine invited us to follow their pickers in the field to capture video of how it's done.
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A Year Without Crops

Jackie Prince has been farming in the Prairie County community of Biscoe for 40 years, starting with working for his grandfather as a teenager. He describes this year as one of the most challenging he's faced, because weather prevented him from planting his rice and soybeans.
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