News & Media

Ask a Farmer | Ep. 2, Peach Farmer

In Episode 2 of our Ask a Farmer series, we visit with peach farmer Mark Morgan of Peach Pickin' Paradise in Johnson County, who answers your questions about these delicious summer fruits.
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Arkansas AgCast | March 25, 2022

We talk to Nathan Reed of Marianna, recently elected chairman of American Cotton Producers, the grower segment of the National Cotton Council. Reed talks about the organization, the state of the cotton industry and challenges ahead for cotton growers.
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Arkansas AgCast | March 11, 2022

We talk about the impacts of inflation and world events on agriculture with Mississippi County farmer Heath Donner and economist and Arkansas Farm Bureau Senior Vice President Matt King.
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Arkansas AgCast | Jan. 28, 2022

We check in with Dr. Bill Robertson, Cotton Extension Agronomist at the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, to hear about record cotton yields last year and what could lie ahead in 2022. We also get a farmer’s perspective on last year’s cotton crop from Terry Pollard of Piggott.
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Arkansas Blackberry Update

Blackberry season is in full swing and just like most Arkansas grown crops it's been a difficult year. Despite the challenges, the University of Arkansas's Fruit Research Station continues to innovate. Since its inception, researchers at the Clarksville farm have developed varieties that are now grown and eaten all over the world.
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Farm Bureau Releases Initial Flood Impact Report

Farmers and ranchers have dealt with numerous challenges and stresses this growing season, particularly from heavy June rains. These challenges have the potential to significantly reduce farm revenue, so Arkansas Farm Bureau economists have produced a report on likely profitability impacts.
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United Soybean Chair | Jim Carroll III, Monroe County

Jim Carroll III of Brinkley will conclude his year as chair of the United Soybean Board next month. It's been a challenging year dealing with Covid-19 and the weather delayed his ability to plant and harvest his crops. He took time recently during his soybean harvest to update us on what it's been like to chair USB during the pandemic and what he's learned from the experience.
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Weather Delays for Harvesting | David Sites, Jefferson County

Like most other crop farmers, rain and cold, wet weather has delayed harvest for David Sites of Jefferson County. He provided this update from his farm near Altheimer recently where he’s hoping sunshine and wind will dry his fields and allow him to complete harvesting his soybeans this week.
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