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House passes legislation blocking WOTUS rule

With a strong bi-partisan vote, the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday overwhelmingly passed HR 1732, the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act which will block implementation of EPA’s proposed Waters of the U.S. rule and force the agency to develop a new rule by accepting input from state and local governments and industries, including agriculture, that would be affected by it. 

“Arkansas Farm Bureau applauds House action on this legislation which sends a strong message to the Environmental Protection Agency and Corps of Engineers that this proposal is unacceptable and is a clear example of these agencies overreaching their authority by redefining what is a ‘navigable’ waterway to further regulate private property,” said Randy Veach, Arkansas Farm Bureau president.

“We also applaud Arkansas congressmen Rick Crawford, French Hill, Bruce Westerman and Steve Womack for their votes in favor of HR 1732,“ Veach said. “They see the Waters of the U.S. proposal for what it is, a power grab by the EPA. The bottom line is, if the rule were to be implemented it would reduce the profitability of farming and ranching in our state by requiring farmers and ranchers to obtain expensive permits to work their land. Agriculture is the state’s largest industry and if this were to happen, this huge economic engine could be crippled.”

The focus now shifts to the Senate where there is also a bi-partisan effort underway to block the rule. Political observers believe there are enough votes for passage, though garnering the 66 votes needed to override an expected presidential veto may be difficult.