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Senate Passage of TPA Moves Bill Forward

LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas Farm Bureau reinforced its support for Trade Promotion Authority on Wednesday, following Senate passage of a proposal that allows U.S. trade negotiators the ability to reach agreement with other nations on trade matters that are not open to change by Congress.

The bill passed 60-38 in the Senate, with Sens. John Boozman and Tom Cotton each supporting the measure. 

The Senate had previously passed a more complex bill that included TPA. Wednesday’s proposal, though, mirrors action passed by the House of Representatives last week. The measure now goes to President Barack Obama for his signature. 

“We stand firmly behind our support for Trade Promotion Authority,” said Randy Veach, president of the Arkansas Farm Bureau. “It is good for Arkansas and American agriculture, and we believe it will open up markets for a number of U.S. products.

“We believe this is an economic issue, not a political issue, and we thank Sens. Boozman and Cotton for their support and understanding of the issues surrounding TPA.”

TPA protects Congress’ constitutional role to set trade objectives and priorities and, importantly, reserves the final “yea” or “nay” on the resulting agreement. 

As indicated after the House vote, Farm Bureau reinforced the point that Arkansas agriculture, which exports roughly 40 percent of its total production.