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Farm Bureau Leaders to #BeVocal in Hot Springs

Officers and Leaders Conference Program

LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Farm Bureau’s 67th annual Officers and Leaders Conference is set for July 20-21 at the Hot Springs Convention Center. The conference theme is #BeVocal, and it will feature speakers such as Arkansas Secretary of Agriculture Wes Ward and Greg Peterson of the Peterson Farm Brothers, a YouTube sensation and advocate for farming.

Sec. Ward will speak Monday afternoon, July 20, along with Arkansas Farm Bureau President Randy Veach. Peterson will discuss “Advocating Agriculture Through Social Media” at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Workshops at the conference will cover topics such as commodity trends, the state water plan, genetically enhanced crops and state and federal legislative issues.

About 500 Farm Bureau leaders are expected to attend the mid-summer conference.

“Following last year’s theme of ‘Engage,’ we will continue to encourage our enthusiastic volunteer leaders to advocate for farming and farm issues,” said Veach, a cotton, soybean, corn and wheat farmer from Manila (Mississippi County). 

“Our members have shared their excitement about the opportunity to hear Greg Peterson, an exciting and entertaining young voice in agriculture who will discuss how farmers and supporters of agriculture can spread the word about farming through social media.” 

At the conference, the organization will also recognize its Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award finalists as well as recipients of the Romeo E. Short, Farm Bureau Foundation and Marvin Vines Memorial scholarships.