News & Media

Statement On China Ban of Poultry Imports

Statement from Randy Veach
President, Arkansas Farm Bureau
On China Ban of Poultry Imports
"We have seen the Chinese government use this type of decision as a trade barrier before, and it's unfortunate that our poultry industry is now caught in political crossfire.

"This exposes our state's poultry industry to market factors that are not market driven. The poultry industry is a key component of Arkansas agriculture, and this decision will take away a large market for our poultry growers.

"This current situation does not involve Avian Influenza in any commercial poultry operations in the U.S. The food safety standards in the U.S. exceed those in China, and most of the world, and we are very disappointed to see this decision by the Chinese government.”

Arkansas Farm Bureau is a nonprofit, private advocacy organization of more than 190,000 families throughout the state working to improve farm and rural life.