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Farm Bureau makes donation to Ronald McDonald House

LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas Farm Bureau’s state women’s committee continued its partnership with Little Rock’s Ronald McDonald House by presenting a gift of $4,000 to the “home-away-from-home” for families of seriously ill children receiving treatment at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, in a special ceremony Feb. 13.   
The committee has partnered with Ronald McDonald House for the past 17 years with donations of food and cash gifts used to purchase easy-to-prepare meals and non-perishable food items for the facility. The donation should allow the staff to purchase enough food to feed families who utilize the facility for up to four months.

“Our partnership with Ronald McDonald House gives us an opportunity to share the bounty of our abundant food supply with an organization that is filling a great need by providing meals and housing for families who have children at the hospital, ” said Randy Veach of Manila, president of Arkansas Farm Bureau. “We are thrilled to be able to help fill their food pantry so these families will be able to prepare quick, nutritious meals.”

“We are grateful for our relationship with Arkansas Farm Bureau and its generous contribution,” said Karen Erren, executive director of Ronald McDonald House.  “We look forward to our reunion with the ladies on the committee each year. 

County Farm Bureau women’s committees across the state support their local communities by making food and cash donations to food banks and women’s shelters, setting up displays and having conversations with shoppers at supermarkets about how they may enjoy healthy, nutritious meals on a budget. 

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Members of Arkansas Farm Bureau’s State Women’s Committee presented a gift of $4,000 to Ronald McDonald House in Little Rock on Feb 13. The donation will purchase food items to feed families of seriously ill children staying at the facility. Attending were (left to right) Donna Bemis of Little Rock; Dana Stewart of Judsonia; Roberta Golmon of Norfork; Janice Marsh of McCrory; Peggy Miller of Lake Village; Karen Erren, Executive Director of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Arkansas; Janis Rubio of Lake Village, Sherry Felts of Joiner and Sonya Harrell of Harrell.

Arkansas Farm Bureau is a nonprofit, private advocacy organization of more than 192,000 families throughout the state working to improve farm and rural life.